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Safeguarding Policy

What is safeguarding and why is it important at Yorkshire Cancer Research?

Safeguarding means protecting a person’s health, wellbeing and human rights. It means helping them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is a collective responsibility for everyone.

Those most in need of protection include:

  • Children and young people
  • Adults at risk, such as those receiving care, people with physical, sensory and mental impairments and those with learning disabilities.

Safeguarding at Yorkshire Cancer Research is an integral part of providing a high-quality service and supporting those who may need help or protection so that they can make informed choices and control how they wish to be involved with the charity and its work.

How does the charity try to safeguard people at risk?

Yorkshire Cancer Research provides coaching and training to help employees, volunteers, and the charity’s Trustees understand what safeguarding is, how to identify individuals who may require safeguarding support, and how to go about getting them that support where appropriate.

The charity has a Safeguarding Team who provide practical guidance and support where employees, volunteers and Trustees have questions or identify an individual who may need support. This team raises awareness of the importance of safeguarding and ensures that it remains an important consideration for all employees and volunteers, and that safeguarding is embedded in the charity’s approach and values.

If you would like to receive a copy of Yorkshire Cancer Research’s Safeguarding Policy, please contact the Safeguarding Team (contact details at the bottom of the page).

What steps does Yorkshire Cancer Research take to ensure safeguarding is embedded throughout the charity?

  • Before a potential new employee joins the charity, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is made against criminal records. This helps identify anyone who may be inappropriate to work for the charity due to past offences.
  • All new employees receive an introduction to the charity so that they understand the charity’s values, ethos and ways of working. The importance of safeguarding and the steps the charity takes to help support and protect those with whom it works are shared at this point.
  • Employees, Trustees and volunteers receive safeguarding training.
  • The charity treats all allegations or suspicions of abuse very seriously. There are clear steps in place and an experienced safeguarding team to support employees to take action where an individual is considered in need of support or protection.
  • A member of the Charity’s Board of Trustees is part of the safeguarding team to ensure there is Board level involvement and oversight of this important area of the charity’s work.

What if I have safeguarding concerns about the words or actions of a charity worker or volunteer?

Please share any safeguarding concerns with a member of the Yorkshire Cancer Research Team at the earliest opportunity. We appreciate this can be difficult, but it’s important we have the opportunity to act if there is a chance someone may be at risk.

Please contact the Safeguarding Team on 01423 510 716 or

If you would prefer to share your concerns with one of the charity’s Directors, please call the office and ask to speak with one of the Directors. The head office number is 01423 501 269.

You can find information about each of the Directors here.

We will treat all concerns and those involved with sensitivity and consideration.