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Stop smoking

Stop smoking

Supporting people to stop smoking

Tackling lung cancer, Yorkshire’s biggest cancer killer

More people die of lung cancer in Yorkshire than any other type of cancer – almost 3000 people a year. Lung cancer is higher in Yorkshire than in England as a whole because smoking rates here are higher. 

Every person who stops smoking immediately improves their own health and reduces their risk of cancer. Helping people to stop smoking also benefits our local health service for everyone in Yorkshire.

Researching new ways to help those who want to stop smoking

An innovative new research trial, the Yorkshire Enhanced Stop Smoking Study, is testing whether the use of personalised risk information and CT scan images can help people with a long-term tobacco addiction stop smoking.

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Yorkshire Stop Smoking nurse talking to someone about how to stop smoking

Helping people in Yorkshire to QUIT

A ground-breaking new service in hospitals and mental health institutes across South Yorkshire sees tobacco dependency as a chronic disease that prematurely kills at least half of people who smoke. The QUIT programme recognises smoking as a medical condition that can be treated rather than as a lifestyle choice.

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Man in blue shirt snaps a cigarette in half

Vaping Demystified

Our 'Vaping Demystified' investigative film tackles the myths and misconceptions surrounding vaping and provides smokers with the information needed to make an informed decision about using vape products as a means to stop smoking.

Watch Vaping Demystified
Blue smoke on a black background

More about stopping smoking